

 * deprecated the abstract ContainerAware class in favor of ContainerAwareTrait
 * deprecated IntrospectableContainerInterface, to be merged with ContainerInterface in 3.0
 * allowed specifying a directory to recursively load all configuration files it contains
 * deprecated the concept of scopes
 * added `Definition::setShared()` and `Definition::isShared()`
 * added ResettableContainerInterface to be able to reset the container to release memory on shutdown
 * added a way to define the priority of service decoration
 * added support for service autowiring


 * deprecated synchronized services


 * added new factory syntax and deprecated the old one


* added DecoratorServicePass and a way to override a service definition (Definition::setDecoratedService())
* deprecated SimpleXMLElement class.


 * added support for expressions in service definitions
 * added ContainerAwareTrait to add default container aware behavior to a class


 * added Extension::isConfigEnabled() to ease working with enableable configurations
 * added an Extension base class with sensible defaults to be used in conjunction
   with the Config component.
 * added PrependExtensionInterface (to be able to allow extensions to prepend
   application configuration settings for any Bundle)


 * added IntrospectableContainerInterface (to be able to check if a service
   has been initialized or not)
 * added ConfigurationExtensionInterface
 * added Definition::clearTag()
 * component exceptions that inherit base SPL classes are now used exclusively
   (this includes dumped containers)
 * [BC BREAK] fixed unescaping of class arguments, method
   ParameterBag::unescapeValue() was made public